Many cryptocurrency traders never venture far beyond buying and selling the asset itself, no matter which currency we’re talking about, maybe holding it a little bit to see if they can sell it for a profit. However, if you have traded at all, or even just read a few...
The majority of all relevant options expire on the last Friday of each month. For September, that’s Friday the 25th, when nearly half of the open interest on Bitcoin options, currently at $1.9 billion, will be terminated. Most traders are wondering how (and if) this...
Light.CX is now additionally incentivizing traders by paying them maker fees instead of the other way around, as one of the few trading platforms in the cryptocurrency space to do so. In other words, instead of having traders who are providing liquidity to the...
The recent token duplication incident at bZx, a DeFi lending protocol, which put their team a whopping USD 8 million in debt thanks to a bug in the code, raises a few important questions for DeFi. First, as the project claims to be “the most powerful, fully functioned...
All Light Option contracts are now settled at $10. Premiums range from $0.01 to $9.99. This small change in scale will make trading Light Options accessible to more people, and easier for beginner to test their trading skills. We wanted to make trading light options...